Today’s journey would see us travel about 350km to Winton. The road was pretty dull and boring so rest stops to stretch were a must.

We had two place of interest to visist. The first was Walkabout Creek Hotel in Mackinlay. Made famous by the movie “Crocodile Dundee” and the second was the Blue Heeler Hotel at Kynuna.

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One place of interest for John and I was the Winton Truck & Machinery Museum. It all started from a public meeting convened by a number of trucking enthusiasts and interested community members, The result was the Winton Truck & Machinery Museum was formed in July 2004.

We certainly made an impression on the locals turning up on two Harley Davidson touring motorcycles. We got waves and later got stopped in the pubs asking about our bikes and where we were headed.

There’s something about kicking back and relaxing at an outback pub that just soothes the soul. 

Winton has no shortage of pubs and we visited 3 of them. Most of our time was spent as the Tattersall’s Hotel, it was also the closed to our motel.

We spent time in the Tattersall’s, Australian and North Gregory. Some locals tried chatting my the girls when they stated playing pool in the North Gregory and they beat a hasty retreat when John and I turned up  from the Australian.


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Australian Hotel

The original hotel was constructed in 1897, the hotel burnt down  in 1924. It was rebuilt in 1925, the new hotel  was built along similar lines to the original, with a large front verandah,

The original hotel was  established in 1879 and burnt down in 1899. It was quickly rebuilt only to be destroyed by fire again in 1916. it was rebuilt once again only to see it  burn down again in 1946. Rebuilt once again out of brick construction started in 1952 and was completed in 1955.


The North Gregory’s claim to fame includes  seeing Waltzing Matilda, played in public for the first time in April 6, 1895, Then, during the 1920’s, meetings took place at the hotel, which led to the forming  of  QANTAS. 

Our motel for the night was the Winton Outback Motel on the Cloncurry side of town.

It’s located just a short 2-minute  walk to the local eateries and pubs.

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